Juno Daily

Music and tech news, interviews, features, reviews and more.

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Studio equipment

Our full range of studio equipment from all the leading equipment and software brands. Guaranteed fast delivery and low prices.

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DJ equipment

Our full range of DJ equipment from all the leading equipment and software brands. Guaranteed fast delivery and low prices. Visit Juno DJ

flash sale april 2024
We asked you what you wanted us to improve on Juno Download, and now we've made the changes that you’ve wanted. So now Juno Download has...
  • New faster download speeds. Wherever you are in the world, you can now get world-class download speeds, thanks to our new mirrored servers in every part of the globe. Download tracks at up to 4 times faster than before.
  • Redesigned listing pages. Faster loading, easier to read, and with new navigation and recommendation features.
  • Newly improved Juno Player. Same powerful features, but faster to open and faster to play tracks. Player too big? Click collapse to reduce the size. Prefer a player built into the web page? Click dock to embed it at the top of the screen.
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