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Hard LifetimeMushi 45 Japan
This sneaky 7" from Mister Mushi is a must-have for any discerning digger or lover of feelgood grooves. The A-side, 'Hard Lifetime', is a masterclass in sample-based alchemy, seamlessly blending a killer hip-hop-meets-funk groove with elements of David Byrne's iconic vocals from Talking Heads classic 'Once in a Lifetime'. The result is a wonderfully infectious and toe-tapping creation that breathes new life into one of music's most familiar tunes. The production is so expertly crafted that Byrne's vocals sound tailor-made for the backing track, a testament to Mister Mushi's skills as a producer and sample manipulator. On the flip, you'll find the instrumental version, stripped of the vocal sample but retaining all the infectious energy and groove of the A. A record that will undoubtedly get heads nodding and bodies moving, a testament to the enduring power of expertly crafted sample-based music.
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Another WednesdayPaxam
Ryan Adams' Wednesday album was released in 2020 and is introspective with songwriting up there with the best Americana. It's a world away from the classic rock swagger of his previous album, Prisoner, but no less powerful. This new album takes the exact same tracklist and reinvents the sound and spirit. It's a novel approach and a refreshing way of thinking about new studio releases for a label. 'Dreaming You Backwards and 'I'm Sorry and I Love You' has more of a more baroque pop with lush string sounds embellishing the fraught emotional tension; 'Dreaming Of You Backwards' is similarly majestic with classical music references guiding it. Compare these takes with the previous record's soulful rock feel - close in some ways to the sound of Hiss Golden Messenger - and it becomes clear Adams has shed that sound completely and achieved a true reinvention.
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Critical ThinkingSony
The Welsh rock icons' first new studio album since 2021's The Ultra Vivid Lament Door To The River and - remarkably - their 15th studio album. Recorded at their studio in Newport and the legendary Rockfield Studios in Monmouth, produced by regular collaborators Dave Eringa and Loz Williams and mixed by Caesar Edmunds (Beach House/Suede/Wet Leg), the album captures Manics in their melodic prime. James Dean Bradfield's voice is one of the treasures of modern rock - somehow sounding as fresh and powerful as it did in the 90s. On the single 'Decline & Fall' you can hear the immediacy and synths and guitar sounds coming together like a fireworks display celebrating the opening of a new chapter. We even get, if not quite a diss track then certainly a retort song, to a certain Mr Morrissey in the shape of 'Dear Stephen', in which Nicky Wire concocts an imagined belated reply to a postcard he genuinely received from the Smiths singer back in the 80s. The Manics don't have anything to prove at this stage of their career, but the fact they keep knocking it out of the park is astounding. Long may they keep finding this type of form.
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The Outcasts - Loving You Sometimes
Loving You SometimesSymphonical
The Outcasts aren't the easiest group to track down. Hailing from Ashland, Kentucky, close to the West Virginia border, they're definitely not to be confused with the Belfast punk outfit of the very same name, who emerged in a fit of anti-institutional rage in the late-1970s. Doing their thing a decade or so earlier, these Outcasts are more earthy, slightly psyche-y proponents of a very sixties style of rock & roll. Loving Your Sometimes is a two-tracker that defines that exact sound. It's floaty but gritty, rough and warm. A distinctly human thing that sadly you'd almost struggle to track down today. Definitely one for thinking back and recognising that for all the advantages of today, we're becoming so far removed from the physical we are risking forgetting what such noises are like.
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Night Of The Guitar Kings Live 1983IDS Recordings US
Jeff Beck. Eric Clapton. Jimmy Page. One night in 1983. So many scorching solos and rhythmic riffs. Three of the greatest electric guitarists of the 20th Century. And, by extension, the 21st. It's hard to imagine not wanting to be in the audience at this special collaborative concert, and that's before you even hit play and start to hear what actually went down. An authentic and textured recording reinforces the idea that rock & roll was a lot more unpolished back when this was captured. This does little to distort or distract from the musicianship that plays out across a host of classic tracks, some by one of the three greats on stage, others borrowed from peers and predecessors. Self-indulgent, perhaps, nevertheless when you can make a Fender wail this good why the hell would you not want to dedicate a whole evening to doing just that?
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Rhythm & BluesBFD Australia
Two-time Grammy Awards winner, MTV Video Award veteran, Brit nominee and icon of the 1980s. Robert Palmer's name may not be as familiar as it once once at the height of music video broadcasting - when his anthem of excess and glamour, 'Addicted To Love', was either fresh off the presses, circa 1986, or still being rolled out as one of the most defining pop clips of all time. Suffice to say, our world - our cultural universe - has shifted since then, and the Batley, West Yorkshire-born, Malta-raised legend isn't necessarily the first artist on your lips when someone asks why the lights are on when nobody's home. That's a crying shame, as beyond that most famous of his tracks there's a big oeuvre to explore. Including 1999's unashamedly sexy, seductive, and slick (perhaps even over-produced) Rhythm & Blues, arguably the most aptly titled record arriving in stock this month.
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Oh! The OceanThe Wombats
Matthew Murphy, Tord Overland Knudsen, and Dan Haggis deliver their sixth studio album. The latest in a surprisingly prolific list of records - starting with 2007's much hyped debut, A Guide To Love, Loss & Desperation. Over the years since, the Liverpool trio have consistently delivered the goods to sustain a loyal following, while also swerving the pitfalls of 'blowing up' only to do whatever the opposite of that is once the hysteria subsides. Blow down? Whatever the term, the truth of it is that Oh! The Ocean is The Wombats through and through - an makes no secret of that fact. But it's no simple rerun. Instead, the three-piece have emphasised their sense of humour, social commentary and escapism while simultaneously calling on the kind of riffs that evoke nostalgia for the heyday of British indie rock & roll, while embracing the anything goes doctrine that seems to be humanity's modus in 2025.
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Ruby Vroom (30th Anniversary Deluxed Edition)Round Hill Music
There's always been something very New York about New York alt-rock troupe Soul Coughing. First and foremost, their determination to avoid the nightmarish pigeonholes of non-descriptions like 'alt-rock'. In fact, at least half of Ruby Vroom, their 1994 debut, sounds more like hip hop, funk and some pretty weird skate take on electronica. And even then we're pretty far off the mark here. At times, things feel a bit Dog Eat Dog. In other moments, we're more in the vein of rap experimenters N.A.S.A.. Then it might be Dinosaur Jr in their lackadaisical 'Feel The Pain' mode. The list could continue, but the point remains the same - this is unapologetically unique, rather than broad, and as such is either going to bore a route straight to your heart, or challenge the ears.
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